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Together again

Posted on Fri Feb 16th, 2024 @ 10:47pm by Lieutenant Lanna Alexander & Lieutenant JG Jarin Alexander, MD

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Lacertae Mortis
Location: USS Arcadia | Deck 04 | Alexander Quarters
Timeline: Current

Dropping back to her quarters Lanna entered to see Jarin’s medical bag sitting neatly on the floor by the door. Smiling she headed for the bedroom, No doubt where Jarin was organising his things ready for duty. She practically ran in, giving him a big hug and a romantic kiss.

“You made it!” She let him go and sat on the edge of the bed. “I wasn’t sure how long you’d be before you got away from Betazed. All they said was you’d catch me up.”

“We wrapped up early” Jarin said with a smile as he held his wife. “Where’s our boy?” He asked looking at her and kissing her “I’ve missed you two so much” he admitted.

“As we did you!” Lanna smiled as she looked into Jarin’s eyes. “Our little man is being looked after in the nursery, it’s only a small one but luckily there was someone there to take care of him for me while I reported in. I was going to pick him up again actually, he can stay in my office with me while I organise.”

“I hope we can trust the people in the nursery” he looked into his wife’s eyes. “How did you feel?” He asked her as a mother and the counselor.

“They seem very friendly, and competent. I have, of course, checked their training credentials on their personnel files.” Lanna smiled a wry smile. “It comes in handy being a Counsellor. We could go now, or we could...spend a little time together first?” She gave Jarin a smile.

“I like the sound of that” he leaned over and kissed his wife passionately.

Lanna returned her new husband’s kiss, they were after all newly weds. “Good, because we’re more or less still in our honeymoon phase!” She grinned a wry grin.

Jarin had a smile on his face as he listens to Lanna. “Honeymoons are good” the smile still on his face “and we didn’t really get much of one.” Jarin kissed Lanna a few more times and pulled her close to him.

“That’s very true!” Lanna smiled and nodded as she playfully started moving backwards, taking Jarin with her towards their bedroom. “I don’t think a while longer here will cause any issues, it’s not like we’re ready for departure yet.”

He smiled “I agree.”

Lanna laughed as they reached the bed, flopping down onto it together she smiled as she looked into Jarin’s eyes. “I’m a lucky woman to be married to you, there’s nowhere else, and no one else, I’d rather be with.”

“I agree” he kissed her. “You and our son are my universe.”

Lanna returned the kiss. “You are both my universe as well, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“So should we go get Jayce” he asked his wife. Jarin hadn’t seen either of them in a little bit due to his duties.

Lanna nodded. “Sure, I can wait for anything else until later tonight” she grinned a wry grin. “I’ll show you around when we get there.” She got up off the bed and made a quick visual check of her hair in the mirror making sure she was neat and tidy.

“You look great, babe” Jarin said with a huge smile and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Maybe we should just pick our boy up after” he started kissing her neck.

Lanna smiled as she leant back enjoying Jarin’s kisses. “Hmmm now that might be a good idea.” She smiled as she slowly turned around draping her arms around his neck, and giving him a passionate kiss.

Jarin returned the kiss and pulled her as close as possible.

Lanna whispered in Jarin's ear. "Let's enjoy what time we have..."

~ Sometime later ~

Lanna smiled as she lay cuddled up in Jarin's arms, her head on his shoulder, the sheets partially pulled around them. "That was... amazing!"

“Yeah” was all he could get out as he kissed her with a smile on his face and pulled her as close as he could.

“I could stay like this forever, but we’re eventually going to have to get Jayce.” Lanna smiled. “Actually I was thinking, with Jayce being a little older perhaps the age gap is right for us to consider... if you want to of course, now we’re married... maybe having another baby?” She gave Jarin a curious look. “I won’t be upset if you want to wait.”

“I’m” he paused “I’m open for discussing it further.” Jarin smiled and kissed her cheek with a smile on his face he started kissing her neck and pulled her closer to him.

Lanna smiled. “Hmm discussing it further....sounds good to me.” She giggled as she moved to straddle his lap. “You know me, I love negotiating...”

“Again” he asked his wife and started kissing her passionately.

Lanna returned the kisses passionately, one thing was for certain they wouldn't be leaving their quarters for a little while yet.


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