
Resignation Letter [Part 3]

Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Fang Lee & Lieutenant Adrianna Baciami

837 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Stars Around the Well
Location: Out there in space, far, far, away
Timeline: ---Past---


Vance felt every muscle in his body tense. "This is going to get a bit rocky. We have the Klingons as backup. I need you to deal with them while I deal with the Telerite transport. It will be safer if you stay here and I go on the Telerite ship. I have the schematics of their ship."

"Like Betazed all over again," Adrianna groaned, but then smirked at the memory. It had been the first run she'd done with him. It had been filled with apprehension and dark flirtation. She proved her worth, mind, managing to negotiate their way out of a deal gone wrong, whilst also managing to steal some plans. They were worth more to the group than Starfleet, but Vance had inevitably been impressed by her slight of hand.

He sighed. "Here's the plan. The Klingons will cause problems we'll come to the rescue and our ship malfunction. The Telerites will extend their tractor and I'll be a beam in a few seconds before they start tractor, when I'm ready the Klingons will take out the tractor beam and I'll transport back with the general. Then we warp out and meet at the Beta Tariss Moon. Simple."

"So yes-- like Betazed, you want me to be like a damsel in distress," she replied flatly before stepping close to him, not allowing much space between them. Adrianna lowered her voice a little, "for the record: what you said about retirement-- that conversation is not over, but in case you screw up, I want you to know that it doesn't sound like a terrible retirement plan." A genuine, soft smile graced her lips. It was an honest response, though her head and heart debated whether it was a true feeling or just her 'character' saying it.

He new that there was much to talk about here. He gently reached up to cup her face. "We'll chat about this when this over and we are sipping drinks far far away from here. I have every intention of making an honest woman out of you, in many ways."

Adrianna rested her face in his hand for a moment, taking time to breathe and enjoy the brief comfort of affection. This was a fine line and the conflict to cross it seemed to be growing more grey. "Don't keep me waiting," she warned, their inside joke remaining as she pulled away, heading for Comms, sending a distress signal.

He smiled as his hands flew over the coms. "I've rigged it so that their sensors won't pick up my bio sign. Klingons are moving into position."

Adrianna nodded, "stay safe, Cuore mio. I don't want to be a widow before I've had chance to make you regret your retirement plans."

His eyes widened. There was a pause there that seemed as if time had stopped itself. "Telerites are asking us to drop shields and allow them to transport us. They are sending a coms. I'm replying that we're ready on their signal." He hurried to the small transporter pad. "Let me know when they are ready to engage tractor."

Ade felt the silence, her eyes going back to his, "si, capitan."

"Transport in 10 Seconds." He paused. "Was that a yes to my proposal?"

"As you said: it is a conversation to be continued over drinks," she smiled sweetly before blowing him a kiss, "be back soon." She dropped the shields, giving him the nod.

The transporter shimmered and he watched until the last second when her form became a blur and then morphed into a Telerite with his back to Vance. Quick like lightening he jumped forward knocking the man out. He slid behind the console and entered the code. Within tree seconds the Telerite transport had him in the brig where his phaser dropped three more Telerites. So far the Klingon intel had been good. There in the cell was General Kotek. "Well then. I'm the rescue party."

The general sneered. "Human..."

"You want to stay here? Cause I can totally tell your people you made a deal with the Telerites then they can send someone else to take care of you in another way."

The Klingon growled. "Right then. Let's go." He entered a few more codes and the brig shield fell. He stepped over to the Klingon.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

"Patience is a virtue my general." Just as he finished speaking the ship was rocked hard to the right. It took a lot of strength for both men to remain on their feet.

Vance placed a small device on the Klingon's sleeve slapping it hard. Within in moments the Klingon was gone and then two second later just as the Telerites flooded the brig Vance himself disappeared. He appeared on the shuttle and sagged against the wall. "Too close! Warp My Lady!"

Adrianna didn't have to be asked twice, pushing the ship to the maximum warp, the ship feeling like it lurched forward a little as it flew into the stars.




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