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Mon Jan 29th, 2024 @ 9:22am

Ensign Aurora Ng

Name Aurora G.X. Ng

Position Head Nurse

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 170cm
Weight 71kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Hair tied into a short ponytail. Wears a short sleeved, minidress version of the female Starfleet uniform (allows for easier mobility of the arms without being restricted by cuffs) when performing duties. Legs shown to be quite firm and muscular, having boasted of hiked the breadth distance of Hong Kong Island (Kennedy Town to Chai Wan, 16 kilometres) in 8 hours, with hiking up to Lion Rock in Wong Tai Sin being another favourite. Right forearm still shows the scars of the Klingon disruptor bolt graze.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Ng Biu Chu (Bill Ng)
Mother Ng Fong Nai Fung (Henrietta Ng, nee Fong)
Brother(s) Ng Teng Wa (Alex Ng)
Ng Hoi Sum (Jack Ng)
Ng Hou Siu (Boris Ng)
Ng Tao Mo (Felix Ng)
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family 5 nieces, 2 nephews

Personality & Traits

General Overview "The Lion Rock Spirit" is one that describes the majority of Hong Kongers and is especially true of Aurora Ng (and a song that is either quietly sung/muttered). Quiet and unassuming, though overall friendly and warm. Has a tendency to have two modes: full stop, or full speed, believing if something is to be done, to do it right and full with no hesitation.

Although facial expression is often set as "embarrassingly amused", with lips often twitching and eyes twinkling, face also shows a quiet determination, often shouldering responsibilities and weight of the world with quiet stoicism.
Strengths & Weaknesses Stengths:
- Ability to overall make friends, although this is mostly one way, with the others instinctively/naturally opening up, but also receiving little personal information in return, but the other person never feels put out
- Never complains, but to careful observers, can seem listless and tired if idle
- "Hidden tools": Both boots conceal hidden tools as befitting a first responder/nurse: A small hypospray with single use/dose ampoule of (one each), anetrizine (anesthetic), cordrazine (stimulant), hyronalin (antiradiation), triox (oxygen therapy); a small protoplaser; a medical scanner; and a small package food ration bar
- "Field Medkit": Due to background, carries a Medkit which is somewhat non regulation and is tailored more for medical triage (battlefield surgery, "heroic efforts" to prevent patients from immediate death and stabilize for beamout to higher facilities) and items such as chemical lights and burns kits etc. The Field Medkit also has more emphasis on being a dispensary for immediate relief (water purification tablets, vitamin/electrolyte mixes and analgesics etc)

- Is often seen to be pitching in and helping others, whether physically or emotionally, but never seeing to rest. Not a workaholic as such, but doesn't seem to be able to switch off from duties
- "Healing trance (of others)". Once someone attends with medical distress, whether physical or emotional, will become focused to the point of excluding all other inputs (see personal history)
Ambitions "The protection of all life, for everyone has a value."
Hobbies & Interests - Humorously flummoxing the Universal Translator. By necessity, speaks in Federation Standard (English) fluently. However, spoken Cantonese is full of puns and homonyms, which the UT would translate literally (the word "ma" when pronounced with a certain inflection could mean either Mother or Horse, as an example)
- Trying to find at least one dish from the food synthesizer that tastes genuine (because nothing ever seems to taste as good as Mother's Hong Kong Style Beef Brisket Noodle Soup)
- Medium skill Xiangqi player (Chinese Chess)
- Conservative sic bo player (mainly during family get togethers)
- Singing classic Hong Kong Cantonese songs, mainly "The Lion Rock Spirit", but as a mood modifier than performance for others

Personal History There is an old Earth proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. Every person as such is not just a product of genetics, but also of their civilization and culture. A rich, shared history, a tapestry that forms a fabric to wrap up its newest members in and for them to add their stories in turn for the subsequent generations. By the first quarter of the 23rd Century, Earth had become not just one of the founders of the Federation, but one of the major cultural cornerstones. Although numerous species of the Alpha Quadrant had come together to create a political entity anchored in unity, Earth itself still played host to its various cultures and histories. In one tiny corner of the planet, the Hong Kong peoples were not just citizens of Earth and the wider galaxy, but as their own... Even if those born on the Island have their own subculture, which led to a mild spirit of competitiveness against those on the Peninsula and the Territories.

Born in 2238 the youngest of five to parents Ng Biu Chu (Bill Ng) and Ng Fong Nai Fung (Henrietta Ng, nee Fong), in Hong Kong Island, Earth. Growing up in a traditional household, learning traditional Chinese values of family duty, personal honour and quiet dignity and embody the Lion Rock Spirit. However, in school, began learning of the exploits of the USS Enterprise, launched in 2245 under the command of Captain Robert April. Largely teased for looking out towards the stars, when most of her family and friends had not even left the island or its adjoining peninsula and territories and islands, the wide eyed youngster learned of adventures in the final frontier.

A largely conventional education followed, first at the prestigious La Salle College in Kowloon, still standing after three hundred years (albeit suitably updated), before attending King's College in Hong Kong Island, (not updated due to being heritage listed), matriculating with very high scores, ranking as Dux of her year.

Upon graduation, father Bill sat down his youngest child and only daughter. "I've seen the way you look up at the stars, the way your eyes glaze over with all this talk of intergalactic battles and beings called Klingons and Vulcans and whatever else. I've tried to raise you as best as I can and my hope is that you will stay, to find a good job, make a good home, start a branch of the family... But you have your brothers, who are already carrying on the family name and have given me some good grandchildren. I can't stop you, but if you want to join this Starfleet or whatever it is, then you should."

In 2255, Enlists in Starfleet at age 16. choosing to go into Sciences branch as an Enlisted Nurse. This was quite surprising, as a mock Starfleet Academy exam was applied and could easily have scored admission. When asked, the answer was "My focus is to preserve life itself. One person can only do so much. Focus on the task at hand. Let others fly and maintain the ships and to find strange new worlds." Shortly after graduation, was posted to Ophicus IV as part of the Starfleet Detachment in 2256.

Although not widely reported or commented upon, except historically for the USS Discovery routing a Klingon attack, there were minor ground skirmishes. During one of these, under heavy fire, a Starfleet team was pinned down, causing Petty Officer 3rd Class Ng to move forward while under fire, no hesitation, no flinching, to apply life saving first aid. Despite being grazed by two disruptor bolts, burning second degree burns on the right forearm and another near the right liver (on the front torso). Despite a Klingon landing party getting close enough to get to hand to hand range and even holding a disruptor to the young Nurse's temple, the hands never stopped, the protoplaser never stopped moving, the medical tricorder taking readings, resolve and focus never once wavering even despite the pain and the beginnings of medical shock. Just as the Klingon was about to fire, a counterattack from Starfleet forces drove the Klingons back. Despite feeling light headed from pain and medical shock, Aurora never wavered, finishing her life saving surgery on a Starfleet Ensign and stabilizing him before passing out.

After being evacuated and successfully treated, was awarded a Karagite Order of Heroism and given a Field Commission to Ensign. Although not front page news due to the larger scope of the war, it was a minor act of heroism and Starfleet insisted on having a least one bright spot of news. Demurring the honour, the Field Commission was parlayed instead into an abbreviated Academy Course of two years (skipping many of the Medical subjects), administratively graduating with the class of 2258, but without standing, as most of the subjects were either studied out of sequence or indeterminate class rankings.

Later assigned to USS Arcadia as an Nurse (Ensign).
Service Record 2255-2256: Starfleet Technical Services Academy, Enlisted Training Course, Medical (Recruit)
2256-2256: Starfleet Forces Detachment, Nurse, Ophicus IV (Petty Officer 3rd Class)
2256-2258: Starfleet Academy Earth (Field Commissioned Ensign)
2258-2259: Earth, Pro Tem Assignment, Medical Branch, Advanced Studies (Ensign)
2259-: USS Arcadia, Nurse (Ensign)