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Fri Nov 29th, 2024 @ 3:29pm

Ensign Karri

Name Karri

Position Supply Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft10
Weight 140
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Semi tall caitian female, athletic build to a degree. Fur the color of sand.

Yellow feline eyes

Hair semi short, kept in a ponytail


Personality & Traits

General Overview Not a "girly girl" by any stretch of the imagination, she knows her way around life in general.

Karri isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, open to doing anything that helps her get her goals accomplished.
Strengths & Weaknesses Years on a freighter has made her a "cat of all trades" so she can be pretty handy generally
Knows practical math and can do it in her duties, but a little fuzzy on "showing her work"
Ambitions Just do her duty, maybe command a supply ship
Hobbies & Interests Avid reader

Personal History The first years of Karris life were simple, more or less. Well as simple as life can get born on a broken down old freighter. As early as about 5 she spent her days crawling about in Jeffries tubes because her parents couldn't fit. It was a hard life, but it had it's compensations

She had a family. A home. Food. But most of all a life of adventure and practical education. Through her early years she learned her "three Rs" so to speak by working on the small ship alongside her family. The young girl helped in all aspects of the ship, developing an interest in the cargo business.

When Karri turned 13 the old freighter finally gave up so the family settled back on Cait to a shipping hub in one of the planets spaceport, and young Karri went to school.

School was a new experience for her, her practical training often clashing with the "on paper" teaching. But she made it through, securing a spot in the academy by the skin of her teeth. She chose an operations track, specializing in logistics.
Service Record Freighter Cats meow

Starfleet Academy

USS Charles Tucker
Logistics Officer